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Monday Night Program Nights

Our peer grief support groups meet every other Monday night.  Our groups are ongoing and always free.  Call today to register 574-529-0528.

Children's Groups

Our children's group are based on age and  designed with developmental appropriate activities, games, crafts, and discussion to help kids express grief in a supportive group environment.


Children's Groups:

Littles: 4-6 yr old

Mids: 7-9 yr old

Tweens: 10-13 yr old

Teens: 14-18 yr old


Adult Groups

Our Adult Groups offer conversations specifically designed for grief related to the relationship that was lost and the type of death.  Adult and child groups run at the same time allowing the entire family to receive individual grief support at the same time as each other.


Spousal Bereavement

Parent of a Child Loss

Suicide Bereavement

Family Support

Substance Use Bereavement

Young Adult

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